Event Calendar

The primary goal of the LMI’s CRED™ible Spokesperson Training Program is to build skill and confidence in the ability to present key messages effectively under public and media scrutiny. Please select from the upcoming events below to book your ticket.

Upcoming 2021/22 Events

Build your CRED™ible Spokesperson Skills | Dec 8-9

December 08, 2021 - December 09, 2021

This two morning CRED™ Spokesperson Training seminar will refresh your external communications skills and update you on the post Covid 2021/22 news media environment. It runs from 8:30 am to Noon, December 8 and 9 on ZOOM.

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Essential CREDible Spokesperson Training

Aimed at individuals who will be in the news media as subject matter experts, this program builds an understanding on how to manage any contact with the News Media as an opportunity to deliver prepared core messages around specific issues. The program teaches the tools required to stay “on message” and how to avoid falling into the traps reporters lay to get interviewees off message. This base program is the essential building block for all Credible Spokesperson training programs. It is suitable for a variety of group sizes.

Executive CREDible Spokesperson Training

Executive Training assumes some good media knowledge and spokesperson experience and involves realistic interview exercises and ample discussion on critical organization-specific issues. Practice in core issue specific messaging and the enhancement of individual non-verbal and verbal presentation skills are stressed. These training sessions can also be very useful tools to develop and practice corporate incident responses.