Credible Spokespeople build credible reputations. But who and what’s credible? Based on data, research and insight LMI helps you to work that out. Perceptions of empathy, expertise, commitment and candor are essential to delivering thoughtful, credible messages that build trust, even under the glare of media or public scrutiny.
Media Training
The primary goal of the LMI’s CREDible Spokesperson Training Program is to build skill and confidence in the ability to present key messages effectively under public and media scrutiny. The capacity to do so rests upon acquiring and applying a practical intellectual framework that’s based on extensive communications research and practice. The tools acquired in our training program are lifelong tools and can be applied to many areas of effective communications Training is presented in lively and engaging fashion that stresses extensive participant involvement and practical, realistic news media interview practice that are video taped and analyzed in a constructive way that build skill and confidence. Prior to each training session LMI will work with the Client to ensure that each participant interview or presentation is specifically tailored to issues, situations or incidents relevant to the company and to the individual’s subject matter expertise. All participants will be asked to respond to a Participant Questionnaire which is emailed to them in advance of the training.
At the beginning of each training day participants review a recent TV news story selected from a recent newscast and throughout the course of each training day other “QuickTime” movies provide relevant news examples of key training points.
Training is presented in lively and engaging fashion that stresses extensive participant involvement and practical, realistic news media interview practice that are video taped and analyzed in a constructive way that build skill and confidence. Prior to each training session LMI will work with the Client to ensure that each participant interview or presentation is specifically tailored to issues, situations or incidents relevant to the company and to the individual’s subject matter expertise. All participants will be asked to respond to a Participant Questionnaire which is emailed to them in advance of the training.
At the beginning of each training day participants review a recent TV news story selected from a recent newscast and throughout the course of each training day other “QuickTime” movies provide relevant news examples of key training points.
TV radio and/or print interviews are video taped and played back for analysis and constructive feedback. Handheld and lapel microphones are used to provide a realistic news setting, provide mock interviews, and conduct participant interviews. For TV interviews, a TV camera sun gun provides further ‘news reality’ to the interviews. Following each training session participants are asked to complete a training evaluation form shared with LMI’s client.
LMI offers seven CREDible Spokesperson media training packages varying in length from 3 hours to 3 days. Key Elements of the program are tailored to specific client needs. One-day sessions are best suited to groups of 5 participants to allow for maximum interview practice time. For groups of 10 participants, two-day sessions are appropriate and have become a popular choice for government clients who want to combine basic with some advanced and/or crisis communications training. Three-day training sessions are for groups of 10 to 15 participants and include basic, advanced, stakeholder message development and crisis communications in one highly effective training package.

Media Training Services
- Individual Media Coaching – 2 to 4 hours
- Group Media Training – 7 hours
- Message Development and Media Training Proofing – Varies
- Refresher Workshops – 3 – 4 hours
Essential CREDible Spokesperson Training
Aimed at individuals who will be in the news media as subject matter experts, this program builds an understanding on how to manage any contact with the News Media as an opportunity to deliver prepared core messages around specific issues. The program teaches the tools required to stay “on message” and how to avoid falling into the traps reporters lay to get interviewees off message. This base program is the essential building block for all Credible Spokesperson training programs. It is suitable for a variety of group sizes.
Executive CREDible Spokesperson Training
Executive Training assumes some good media knowledge and spokesperson experience and involves realistic interview exercises and ample discussion on critical organization-specific issues. Practice in core issue specific messaging and the enhancement of individual non-verbal and verbal presentation skills are stressed. These training sessions can also be very useful tools to develop and practice corporate incident responses.
Advanced Spokesperson Training
Focused on the risk communications environment when trust is low and concern is high this workshop focuses on message developments and testing under simulated real world media and public pressure. The training is highly interview intensive and allows for a great deal of practice in delivering precise messaging that will help shape news headlines. Many of the tools needed to manage to communications with the news media also apply to stakeholder relations building during the process of stakeholder trust building. This program focuses on the tools and skills required to build trust and credibility in a risk communications environment.
Speaker Training
Effective speakers focus on effective and credible message delivery as well as effective media interview management. During the training you will learn what to keep in mind when making presentations to a non technical audiences, why how you look is as important as what you say, how to develop and present your key messages. A highlight of the day is the training is a mock presentation and a mock media interview that are filmed and critiqued.
Refresher Training
This training session focuses on reviewing skills and refreshing interview agenda management techniques. It can accommodate small groups of 2-3 individuals and is usually conducted in a 3 hour sessions. LMI encourages all trained spokespeople to refresh their spokesperson skills every 18 months.
Credible Spokespeople in a Crisis
An intensive seminar focus on managing critical incidents, the news media and stakeholders. Simulated critical incident news media and communications management in first the few hours of an incident is stressed and participants practice the delivery and execution of emergency response plans, prepared statements and the execution of corporate policy on incident management. LMI has extensive experience working within the Incident Command System.
Refresher Training for Credible Spokespeople
This training session focuses on reviewing skills and refreshing interview agenda management techniques. It can accommodate small groups of 2-3 individuals and is usually conducted in a 3 hour sessions. LMI encourages all trained spokespeople to refresh their spokesperson skills every 18 months.